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Transparency Report

We believe that transparency is the cornerstone of trust. Our first Transparency Report (the “TR”) is designed to give valuable insights into how BeReal responds to requests from users and third parties related to all manner of concerns, including user privacy, requests for user data, and enforcement of content and safety policies. Like many things at BeReal, our Transparency Report will be a work in progress and get better over time.

The Report is divided into four sections:

You can filter data by country and time period at the top of each section. Please note that country-specific data is not yet available for all information. This is something we expect to implement in future reports.

We are committed to publishing an updated Transparency Report every quarter, so you can see how we’re doing and know that we’re always striving to provide a safe, reliable, and transparent platform for our users.

Feeling curious? Check out the Learn More section below for more information and useful links.

As always, we love hearing feedback so let us know what you think of if you have any questions about the TR by contacting us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Latest Key Figures: Q4 2023 (Oct to Dec)

Policies enforced 20461
Safety reports 509909
Requests from law enforcement 17
Account deletion requests 3151

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